Rabu, 29/05/2024 - 19:17 WIB
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Türkiye and China: Two Great Powers Among Other Great Powers

Besides Türkiye, another state with huge influence as mediator in the conflict between Ukraine (Ukraine under the West) and Russia is China. China’s rapid development in economic and industrial sector is the most important factor placing this great power in a central position among other great powers.

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What makes China’s position strategical is the fact that China has strong economic cooperation both with Russia and the West, combined with China’s neutral position in the international politics including in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and also between Russia and the West.

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This strong economic cooperation can be useful instrument for Chinese government to increase its influence in mediating the conflict between Russia and Ukraine and between Russia and the West. This economic power can also be a significant instrument to reduce the Western political influence in that conflict.

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Thus, it is not strange that some Western countries support China to participate actively in solving the conflict in Ukraine. The Western countries believe that China can influence the President of Russia in relation with the undergoing conflict in Ukraine, considering that China is one of the closest allied countries of Russia under Vladimir Putin’s leadership. Besides, the Western countries also do not object to let China have some political role in this issue, considering the important position of China in the world economics, including in the Western market.

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**). Ther Writer is Geopolitologue, PhD candidate in Political Science, TSU Russia.

Sumber: Republika

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