Selasa, 30/04/2024 - 23:08 WIB
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Officer Passed Away Extinguishing a Fire in LBH Building


JAKARTA — An officer of the Jakarta Provincial Fire and Rescue Service (Gulkarmat) was reported to have died after fighting a fire in Jakarta Legal Aid Institution Building (LBH), Jalan Diponegoro, Menteng, Central Jakarta, on Sunday (7/4/2024) night. The victim is known as Samsul Triatmoko as a Gulkarmat Task Force of Johar Baru Village, Gulkarmat Department Tribe of Central Jakarta Administrative City.

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According to information from the Instagram account of DKI Jakarta Provincial Gulkarmat Department @humasjakfire, the victim died in RSCM on Monday (8/4/2024). The victim died after completing the blackout operation on Jalan Diponegoro, Pegangsaan Village, Menteng District, Central Jakarta, on Sunday evening.

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“May his charity and worship be received by Allah SWT and the bereaved families can be given fortitude,” wrote the public relations account @humasjakfire, quoted in the early hours of Monday (8/4/2024).

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Head of DKI Jakarta Provincial Gulkarmat Department Satriadi Gunawan confirmed the fall of officers in the blackout attempt. The deceased is suspected of postnatal exhaustion.



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“Post-disaster fatigue, the occurrence after the outage was declared complete and safe,” Satriadi said when confirmed to on Monday.

Based on the data of the Provincial Gulkarmat Department of DKI Jakarta, the fire report was received at 22.20 WIB. Meanwhile officers arrived on site at 22:25pm and immediately executed a blackout at 22:26pm.

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The extinguishing process was declared complete at 23:58 after localisation and cooling. The Jakarta Provincial Gulkarmat Department deployed 10 units and 40 personnel to extinguish the fire. “The alleged cause was a power failure,” Satriadi said.

Earlier, the LBH Jakarta Building on Jalan Diponegoro, Menteng, Central Jakarta, was reported to have caught fire on Sunday night. The director of LBH Jakarta Citra Referandum said that the fire occurred on Sunday at about 22:00pm. “It is not yet known the losses suffered as a result of the fire,” he said Sunday night.

Sumber: Republika



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