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What Should a Muslim Hijab Be Formed?


JAKARTA — A Muslim woman is required to always wear clothing that can cover her aura. However, when it comes to wearing a hijab, some argue that the hijab should be a cape or should not use upper or lower cut clothing.

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What is the shape of the Muslim hijab according to the teachings of Islam?

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In his book Women Ask Islam Answers, Nadlifah explains that in Islamic fiqh there is a minimum standard of Muslim dress. First, it must cover the entire body except the face and palms. Secondly, it should be loose or not tight, so that the curves of the body are not visible.

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Thirdly, his clothes are not thin, so the color of his skin is invisible. Fourth, it does not resemble male clothing or clothing commonly worn by men. Fifth, it does not resemble the clothes specially worn by women of the Ahlul Kitab. Finally, one should not use fragrances or perfumes that are so intense that they stimulate the soul of men.


According to her, according to the standards, it does not matter if a Muslim woman wears a hijab with a cut top and bottom, which is important to be loose and does not resemble a man’s.

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As for the concrete form of Muslim women’s clothing, whether it be clothes or veils, it does not have to be rigidly understood. According to her, the design of women’s clothing is strongly influenced by cultural developments, and Islam is very responsive to the changes and developments of the times.

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Therefore, according to him, the teachings of Islam can be accepted by different epochs and across generations as the implementation of Islam as a religion that is environmentally friendly, inclusive, and merciful to all nature.

But, he added, the color of the hijab is not specifically stipulated in Islamic sharia. Only, according to him, a Muslim woman should not wear a headscarf whose color is striking so as to attract the attention of other men.

Sumber: Republika



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