Minggu, 16/06/2024 - 08:49 WIB
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Origin of the Issue of Ransomware Attack Site Indonesia Railway Company (KAI)

On January 14, 2024, the X (formerly Twitter) account belonging to Today Cyber News reported that KAI’s website had been hit by a ransomware attack.

Selamat Hari Raya Idul Adha 1445 H dari Bank Aceh Syariah

JAKARTA — PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) or KAI ensures the security of the company’s information technology/IT systems. KAI will also continue to investigate the ransomware attack.

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KAI VP of Public Relations Joni Martinus confirmed that to date there is no evidence that any KAI data was leaked as reported. The news was broadcast by the X (formerly Twitter) Today Cyber News account at the end of last week.

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“We will continue to conduct an in-depth investigation to investigate the issue,” he said in a statement in Jakarta on Tuesday (16/1/2024).

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⚠️ Data Breach at PT Kereta Api Indonesia. (https://t.co/OZNiDn31pO)

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A hacker group claims to have accessed sensitive data, including employee info, customer details, and more from Indonesia’s National railway company. #KeretaApi #DataBreach #CyberSecurity #infosecurity pic.twitter.com/oUNDEUI1PM

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— Today Cyber News (@TodayCyberNews) January 14, 2024

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Joni ensures that, in addition to the security of all data, the entire IT operational system and KAI’s online ticket purchase at all stations are still running well. Similarly with Face Recognition Boarding Gate service.

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“People also don’t have to worry about data security on the Face Recognition Boarding Gate feature used by KAI, because KAI has good information security management,” he said.

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إِنَّا مَكَّنَّا لَهُ فِي الْأَرْضِ وَآتَيْنَاهُ مِن كُلِّ شَيْءٍ سَبَبًا الكهف [84] Listen
Indeed We established him upon the earth, and We gave him to everything a way. Al-Kahf ( The Cave ) [84] Listen

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